All-on-4 Implants

All-On-4 Implants

This treatment concept is for edentulous patients. It is an immediately loaded, full-arch prosthesis supported by only 4 implants to produce efficient and effective tooth restoration.

Bone-To-Implant Contact

Longer implants can be used in minimal bone volume by tilting the two posterior implants. This also results in reduced vertical bone augmentation and cantilevers, and increased quality of anchor in the anterior bone and thus, better support of the entire prosthesis.

Clinical Results

For over ten years, tilted implants, when part of a prosthetic support, have shown no negative effect on load distribution when used in clinical practice.

Can Be Performed
Using Nobelguide

All-on-4 implants can be planned and performed using the NobelGuide software and treatment concept. To learn more detail about this procedure, please call our office.


Mini Dental Implant System

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